Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice

  . . .  thinking globally, working locally in central Kentucky, for a different world

Become a CKCPJ Member

Join us if you believe in:

  • Nonviolent solutions to conflict;
  • Equitable distribution of the world's resources;
  • Acceptance of diversity in people, political systems, and beliefs;
  • Respect for the dignity of every individual; and
  • Human rights for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious, political, and philosophical beliefs, or disabilities.

Volunteer your time and talent by helping out at CKCPJ events. Read the announcements in our Peaceways newsletters, join the conversations in our CKCPJ Facebook Community page, and see our online calendar for upcoming events. Invite us to bring CKCPJ information to your organization's event - we have a very popular table with great buttons everyone likes to buy!

Become a friend of CKCPJ
signup photo: signup SIGNUP.png
sign up to be notified
when peacemaking is happening.

CKCPJ Peace Rally
Fayette Co. Courthouse Plaza on March 20, 2011

Individuals may also support the Council financially with a membership and with volunteer service for any of our activities and programs.  You can become an individual member by making a contribution at the level of your choice ($5-$100);  the suggested membership level is $25.

Organizational membership is open to any local group that shares our goals and principles.  Annual dues are $35.

All contributions to the Council are tax deductible.

To join, please send your name, email address, postal address, phone number, and donation to:

The Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice
1588 Leestown Road, Ste 130-138
Lexington, KY 40511


Donate to CKCPJ online at our Vanco Services secure site.

Want to contribute to our newsletter, "Peaceways"?
For information, contact
peacewayseditor [at] gmail.com
and let us know who you are and
what you plan to write.

CKCPJ   |   1588 Leestown Road, Ste 130-138  |  Lexington, Kentucky  |  40511  |  U.S.A.
859-488-1448  |  peaceandjusticeKY[at]gmail.com