Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice

  . . .  thinking globally, working locally in central Kentucky, for a different world

Voices logoDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s impassioned call for continued struggle echoes through the decades, encouraging dedicated people of goodwill to press on, helping bend that arc. In the spirit of shared labor toward common causes, the Voices for Peace and Justice 2011 event series presents a rich collaboration of organizations.
In this year's VOICES event series, CKCPJ has chosen to highlight the cultural and economic contributions to our region of Hispanic and Latino residents, and to draw attention to the need for a comprehensive reform of immigration policy. One of the joys of welcoming new people to our area is the wealth of culture they bring with them. There are many opportunities to experience and explore the many different Hispanic/Latino cultures here in Central Kentucky. The series will emphasize the economic, the education and cultural aspect of the Hispanic/Latino community - and its impact on central Kentucky. The CKCPJ VOICES series last year spawned new initiatives such as the CKCPJ PEACE Leaders training session with Paul Chappell and a community workgroup for the implementation of a new Living Learning Community at UK called Peace House. Some highlights from the planned events are:

Date / Time



September 9
5:30 - 7:30 pm

Migrant Network Coalition's "Dream Scholarship Celebration," Fundraiser co-sponsored with CKCPJ. Fifth Third Building (4th Floor Conference Room), 250 W. Main Street, Lexington

Isabel Taylor, Kentucky Migrant Network, itaylor@lexingtonky.gov, 859.258.3824

September 16
5:00-8:00 pm

CKCPJ in the Lexington Gallery Hop celebrates Marjorie Guyon's "Nation of Nations" installation and asks viewers to participate in a "This I Believe..." recording event.

Gail Koehler or Randolph Hollingsworth at CKCPJ, peaceandjusticeky@gmail.com

September 24
10:00 am - noon

Students' Voices: Living in a foreign Country, a panel organized by the Christian-Muslim Dialogue group of Lexington, Co-Chairs Dr. John Parks and Mohamed Nasser. The panel discussion will be led by Cassidy Herrington, a senior journalism student at the University of Kentucky who interned in Argentina this summer. Potluck luncheon from noon - 1 pm following (please bring a dish, vegetarian if possible, no pork please). Unitarian Church, 3564 Clays Mill Road, Lexington.

Ollie Rashid, obrashid@gmail.com
or the Unitarian Church, 859.223.9602

September 27
5:30 - 8:00 pm

Voices of Immigration panel discussion, Eastern KY University, Richmond - hosted by EKU's Office of Diversity Council Planning and CKCPJ. Panelists will discuss a variety of issues, including the federal DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act, immigration laws, community service learning and personal experiences.

Dr. Socorro Zaragoza, professor of Spanish, Eastern Kentucky University, socorro.zaragoza@eku.edu, 859.622.6435
or Sandra Añez Powell, sandra.powell@foothillscap.org, 859.624.2046

October 3
8:00 am - 9:30 am

Hispanic Heritage Month Open House at the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, 162 East Main Street, Suite 226. Community discussion begins at 9. Co-sponsored by CKCPJ.

Raymond Sexton, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, rsexton@lfuchrc.org, 859.252.4931

October 6
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

2011 Kentucky Hispanic and Immigrant Networking Summit, Shelbyville. Celebrating the Hispanic Heritage Month, hosted by the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights and co-sponsored by CKCPJ.

Juan Pena, Field Supervisor, Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, juan.pena@ky.gov, 502.595.4024

October 11
7:30 pm

Don't Call Me Homeless" Street Voice Council Players present their award-winning play which raises awareness of the many issues related to homelessness. Co-sponsored by the Catholic Action Center and CKCPJ.

Catholic Action Center, mallory.billie@yahoo.com, 859.285.5211

October 13
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Not in Our Town: Light in the Darkness - No en nuestro What would you do if one of your neighbors was killed in a hate crime? This PBS documentary shows the positive resonse of a town working to repair their community after attacks on local immigrants. Please join us for a screening and discussion after the film. 1 hr offered in collaboration with the LFUC Human Rights Commission and CKCPJ. Lexington Public Library, Central Library Conference, Room A.

Lindsey Mattingly, Multicultural Liaison, Lexington Public Library, lmattingly@lexpublib.org, 859.231.5514

October 14
5 - 7 pm

Social Theory, Art and Immigration in Kentucky - a discussion inspired by the Nation of Nations art installation at UK W.T.Young Library Discussion facilitated by the artist Marjorie Guyon and Dr. Rachael Shane, UK Arts Administration Program. CKCPJ offers refreshments along with free and open admission to this enriching conversation, held in conjunction with the Social Theory, Politics and the Arts conference.

Dr. Randolph Hollingsworth, Assistant Provost, University of Kentucky, dolph@uky.edu, 859.257.3027

October 14
5 - 7 p.m.

Funk the War at Al's Bar, corner of N. Limestone and 6th Street, Lexington. Join us as we collectively stand against war in all its forms. Featuring performances by RP,Manor the Machine and many more. Open to everyone 18 and older.

Ryan Prater, 502.322.4890, rprat17@gmail.com

October 15
9 am - 4 pm

Dia de la Mujer - Day of the Latina Latin Woman Day focuses on Hispanic Women's health. Southland Christian Church, 5001 Harrodsburg Road, Lexington. Cosponsored by Migrant Network Coalition and CKCPJ, with Elisa Bruce of Fifth Third Bank.

Elisa Bruce, 859.293.4717, elisa.bruce@53.com

October 17
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Latino Street Fair, Powell Corner at Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY Poster presentations by Spanish students, Capoeira, food and music.

Sandra Añez Powell, Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Foothills Community Action Partnership, sandrapowell@foothillscap.org, 859.624.2046

Saturday, October 22
11:00 am

To Enlighten Youth, (TEY), at the Lexington Public LibraryVillage Branch, 2185 Versailles Road, Lexington. TEY is a program based on peer mentoring to enlighten, educate and encourage youth. Participants are hosting a dinner for teachers to whom they wrote letters. The public is warmly welcome to this free event.

Liz Epperson, liz.epperson@eku.edu

October 20
9:00 am - 2:00 pm

"Stand Down - Homeless Connection," Central Christian Church at MLK Blvd. and Corral Ave., Lexington. Services for individuals experiencing homelessness or others in need of assistance. Sponsored by the VAin conjunction with area organizations and service providers. CKCPJ serves morning hospitality. We need assistance! Contact Billie Mallory.

Billie Mallory, 859.285.5211, mallorybillie@yahoo.com

October 21

The Kentucky Division of The United Nations Association Celebration of United Nations Day Luncheon at The Capital Plaza Hotel, 405 Wilkinson Bld, Frankfort. Presentations by Congressman John Yarmuth, Art Williams, and Tom FitzGerald. CKCPJ co-sponsoring. Meal is $25 meat, $20 vegetarian.

Teena Halbig, President, The United Nations Assoc. - Kentucky Division, 502.267.6883, teenahal@aol.com

October 21
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Around the World Again Maxwell Street Legal Clinic Fundraiser, at the Bodley-Bullock House, 200 Market St., Lexington. CKCPJ serves as community supporter. The event honors the dozens of Maxwell Street "graduates" who have gone on to become United States citizens. Tickets are available online: http://www.kyequaljustice.org at $75. All proceeds will support the work of Maxwell Street Legal Clinic.

Rich Seckel, Director, Kentucky Equal Justice Center, richseckel@kyequaljustice.org; or 859.233.3057

October 22
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Fiesta Latina 2011 10 Year Anniversary. At Eastern Kentucky University, featuring dancing and silent auction; fundraiser for Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, co-sponsored by CKCPJ.

Sandra Añez Powell, Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Foothills Community Action Partnership, sandrapowell@foothillscap.org, 859.624.2046

updated 15 October 2011


110 North Upper Street  |  Lexington, Kentucky  |  40507-1119  |  U.S.A.

859-488-1448  |  peace and justice KY [at] gmail.com

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